Building a sustainable gender budgeting strategy for New Zealand
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Barry Milne and Jessica McLay
University of Auckland: Jennifer Curtin
This project is led by Professor Jennifer Curtin, Politics and International Relations. The aim is to use available administrative data to develop a comprehensive descriptive picture of the status of women in New Zealand.
The project team will use this data to inform the design and publication of a gender equality "scorecard", which can then be utilised by a number of agencies with which the project has been engaged.
Specifically, it is anticipated that the descriptive analysis will be useful to local governments, the Ministry for Women (as part of their "Bringing Gender In" online tool), and other government agencies and non-government organisations.
The research will also help to advance the development of a gender-responsive budgeting strategy for New Zealand. This has been identified by the OECD and the IMF as a valuable toll for addressing inequality.