Family Whānau and Wellbeing Project (FWWP)




Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology


Peter Davis, Roy Lay-Yee, Mark Wheldon, Gerard Cotterell, Stephen McTaggart, Martin von Randow


Sue Milligan, Chris Errington, Pat Coope, Angela Fabian, Charles Crothers, Mervyl McPherson


This was a five-year research programme supported by the social science funding pool of the then Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. The principal goal was to develop ways to examine and monitor the social and economic determinants of family and whānau wellbeing, and how these changed over the 1981–2006 period. The principal units of investigation were the family and the household, and census microdata, via the governance of Statistics New Zealand, were used.

FWWP drew on approximately $135 million worth of data collection, and also addressed the issues of analysing census data over time, assessing compatibility of census data over the years, and then assessing trends observed 1981–2006. The project also explored the feasibility of monitoring the impact of social policy events on the population, or key population groups, providing an invaluable source of information for considering future public policy and simulating expected impacts on society.

A number of publications resulted directly from FWWP, and these were added to with the addition of 2013 Census data when they became available.
