Kāhu FAQs

Helpful tips on how to use the Kāhu app.

Why is Kāhu or its content displaying incorrectly?

  • You must be connected to the internet for Kāhu to work 
  • If you are having problems with content being shown, or think that some content needs updating, please contact us at 0800 61 62 63, studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz   
  • Some parts of Kāhu provide students with personalised information and you’ll be asked to sign in using your standard University identity (username or email address and password) 

Why does Kāhu take me to another website or application?

If you are taken to another website or University-based application, don't worry, this is what the app is designed to do!

It will pull and display relevant information from other University applications and services as well as provide links to the website or other systems. 

What is uApprove?

When you first sign in to Kāhu you will see uApprove. It shows the information you’ll be sharing, and asks for your consent.

Learn more about this standard identity and access management process

What do I do if the interactive map is not working?

If you’re having problems with the campus maps navigation not working and/or you are receiving error messages, please contact us at 0800 61 62 63, or studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz