How to develop a workplace experience

Tips to help your business get the most out of a workplace experience.

Shaping a workplace experience

Before you bring students to your organisation, it is important to consider and decide on your placement option. Workplace experiences can be anything from a short, informative visit, through to a longer term, developmental programme.

Gather your team

It is important to get a wide range of people from your company involved so that both your staff and students get the most out of the experience.

Make a plan

Identify a clear purpose, set objectives and give yourself enough time to plan for your workplace experience.

Invite the right students

Work with CDES to identify the types of students to recruit to attend the visit. Beware of limiting the pool of students to the most obvious field of study linked to your company. Every organisation requires people with a broad range of skills and expertise. Having a diverse group will open the students’ minds to career possibilities they might not have expected. Furthermore, your staff will be exposed to bright young people from a range of disciplines.

Ask for feedback

Getting feedback from the students who visit your company will be invaluable in planning future events. Ask specific questions that allow students to offer their perspectives on your organisation. Their insights can aid in recruiting and retaining staff.