Critical Studies in Education

Applications for 2023-2024 are now closed.

Toitū te ngahere: Arts in schools for forest health


Dr Molly Mullen


Critical Studies in Education

Project code: ESW004


Toitū te ngahere explores children's, teachers' and their communities understanding of forest health and supports action for through the creation of arts projects.

We have partnered with five primary schools on inquiry projects that interweave mātauranga Māori, science/social science and the arts. You can find out more here.

This summer scholar project involves working with data to produce ways of sharing what has been learnt and created, by, for example, doing thematic analysis, writing learning stories, creating example lesson plans or creating a digital story map.

Scholars from any relevant discipline are welcome to apply for this transdisciplinary project.

Students as partners in teaching, course and programme evaluation


Gail Ledger
Sean Sturm
Shareen Sapsworth


Critical Studies in Education

Curriculum and Pedagogy

Learning, Development and Professional Practice

Project code: ESW010


The recent SET Review Working Group’s found that there was a need for more, earlier and better formative evaluation of teaching and courses, as well as timely feedback and effective ‘closing of the loop’ with evaluations. This project will report on the existing research evidence and support a move to more responsive, student-led evaluation (students as partners in evaluation) that draws on students’ expertise and experience as learners in formal and informal learning environments, and will provide resources to develop their expertise in evaluation.

It will report on the existing methods of, and conceptual frameworks for, student-led evaluation such as the students as partners (Healey et al., 2014; Mercer-Mapstone et al., 2016; Sutherland et al., 2019) and ako (Bishop & Glynn, 2000; Cram et al., 2018) frameworks. (We would note that there is little research on SaP in evaluation, excepting the now ‘venerable’ Giles et al., 2004.)

The project will involve three students who will work with us as their academic supervisors to co-design a project to support the above aims. The project will be bookended by two hui and other student-student or student-academic hui will be added if the co-design requires it.

It will aim to produce a literature review and a resource for the TeachWell website. Depending on the co-design of the project, it may produce additional outcomes such as a draft of a collectively written article or input to the revised Enhancement and Evaluation of Teaching and Courses Policy and Procedures.