The benefits of an internship for your career

Have you ever wondered what an internship is all about, what kinds of internships are available, or where you could undertake one?

You’ve come to the right place! CDES is here to support students navigate the world of work, and a big part of that is helping students connect with a range of organisations that offer internships.

Internships and 'future you'

Imagine if you had the chance to give your future a test run. What if you could try out some of the ideas you’ve learned in your studies in a professional context? Imagine being able to ask questions to experts working in jobs or fields where you might like to be yourself one day. The great news is you can do just that, through an internship! Seize this chance to gain valuable work experience and build life skills.

Internships build transferable skills

An internship can act like a bridge between university study and your future career, helping you gain beneficial professional experience, network with those working in your field, and even meet potential employers. It really does open your eyes to what your future could be like.

Typically, internships are most valuable when they align with your studies. A great internship is a learning experience that extends well beyond the classroom, giving you the chance to apply your knowledge in the workplace.

And it will benefit you long beyond graduation, as you will build transferable skills to equip you as you navigate the world of work. CDES has a wealth of information and top tips about internships on their website.


Now is the perfect time to investigate your internship options over summer! Internships often take place over the summer holidays, as a common length for an internship is 8-12 weeks. You will be able to start back into the university year in early 2020 with a whole new level of knowledge and understanding about your field. The experience you gain could also lead to further opportunities in the field, or at the same organisation after graduation. There are other internships on offer that may be longer or take place at
other times in the year.

How to land an internship: put your best foot forward

In many ways, landing an internship is a bit like finding a job. They usually have a job description, supervision and regular feedback, and resources to help you learn while you are on the job. Since the process for getting an internship is similar to a job application, you will want to get your CV and cover letter sorted, and prepare for interviews. Or if you’d like a bit more time with us, book a 25 minute “one-on-one” appointment to chat with us on MyCDES.

CDES is here to help! We’ve helped thousands of students just like you. Pop in and see us at our free daily drop-in service for a ten minute chat with one of our consultants. CDES also offers workshops to help you in your internship quest, including writing CVs, interviews, LinkedIn and networking skills. Login to MyCDES to book your place, and gain tips for putting your best foot forward.

Intern overseas?

Keen to tackle an internship further afield? Global internships enable you to apply your skills in an international environment, and will help you to build cultural awareness and a broader network. In addition, your future in the workplace, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, will include interactions with those from other countries so employers will be interested to see experience abroad on your CV. CDES has relationships with a number of overseas internship providers. Check out the global internships page to read more.

You can also visit MyCDES, follow our Facebook page and visit GoinGlobal (you can login directly through the shortcut on the MyCDES home page) to read about other international internships on offer.

To get a taste for what it could be like for you on a global internship, and to gain valuable insights, check out the blog entries written by students from the University of Auckland on internship experiences around the world.

Explore how you can find an internship today with support from CDES, and how it will benefit you in creating a future you love.