Meet the team

At CDES, it’s our job to support students as they navigate the world of work.


Our vision

Confident, career literate and future-ready graduates that are connected to their communities, Waipapa Taumata Rau and the evolving world of work .

How can CDES help?

For students

We've put together a handy guide on how we can support you with all aspects of career development during your studies and for 3 years after you graduate.

For faculty staff

If you work in a University of Auckland faculty, please visit our intranet page to find out how we can support you.

For employers

Visit the dedicated section on our website showcasing the ways you can engage with University of Auckland students.

Our impact

Student feedback

  • "Everything you do at CDES encourages me not only to dream, but to do."
  • "The support from CDES was invaluable, they have loads of resources, tools and networks to tap into which is ideal for career planning."
  • "Without the help of CDES, I would not have received some of the jobs and scholarships I applied for, so I am very grateful for it."
  • "The CDES team has great tools and it’s worth getting in touch early in your studies so you’re prepared when the right job comes along!"

Employer feedback

  • "Fantastic staff, great communications, good problem solving and collaborative approach."
  • "Like I say, flawless. I really enjoy working with [the University of Auckland] on events. Never a problem and there's always someone to help if I need it."
  • "[CDES Career Expo] was a well knitted event to bring the recruiters and the future generation of bright young minds together under one roof and provide them with a platform to share the current trends and provide exposure to the students and giving them an opportunity to choose their future."

Our people

Career Development and Employability Consultants

Wendy Carey
Miura Elikana
Brendan Griffiths
Cheryl Halverson
Lillian Vimahi
Pepe Afeaki - Kaituki Ara Mahi Māori, Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa | Career Development and Employability Team Leader, Māori and Pacific

Employer Engagement Team

Kate Coley - Employer Engagement Manager
Amy Chen - Data and Reporting Administrator
Rafilya Wilson - Events Planner

CDES Office

Sarah Moyne - Poutaki ara mahi | Career Development and Employability Services Manager
Dominique Behn - Communications and Marketing Lead
Kanika Kapoor - Receptionist
Anusha Rajaratnam - Business Services Coordinator

Contact us

Career Development and Employability Services
Room 151, Level 1, Kate Edger Information Commons
2 Alfred St
Auckland Central
Phone: +64 9 3737599