Visitor Centre Assistants needed at Nga Manu Nature Reserve

Help advance the Ngā Manu Trust mission to preserve and enhance native forests in Kapiti so that their inhabitants can flourish.

Volunteer Kapiti connects volunteers (both individuals and groups) with a variety of opportunities throughout the Kapiti Coast, that provide them with the ability to gain work experience, new skills, new ideas, connections and the chance to make a difference in their community.

Volunteers are vital to help non-profit organisations, clubs and schools on the Kapiti Coast increase their diversity and capability and achieve their objectives. Volunteer roles in Kaipiti coastal communities include aged care, companionship and social support, food preparation and service, counselling and helpline, and administrative/events support. Whatever your interest and skill set, you can find a role that suits you!

One such role is a Visitor Centre Assistant with the Ngā Manu Nature Reserve. For those passionate about the preservation of local wildlife and conservation that enjoy interacting with people, this volunteer opportunity will appeal. You will learn to greet visitors and go through the map of the reserve with them and operate the till for admissions and purchases in the shop. Visit their website below to find out more and search other roles on offer.  

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