Student projects at COMPASS

COMPASS has a rich history of hosting students for Summer Scholarships, honours and masters dissertations, and PhD theses.

Students value the opportunity to work within a supportive research team, and our expertise enables projects using IDI data and the experience of real world social science survey data collection and analysis.

PhD candidates

Statistics (2018–2023). Natalia Boven: Combining individuals' socioeconomic information to create household and parental socioeconomic measures: Testing commonplace assumptions and alternative metrics. Dr Nichola Shackleton, Dr Barry Milne, and Professor Thomas Lumley.

Statistics (2015–2019). Liza Bolton: Life-course predictors of mortality inequalities across ethnic groups in Aotearoa New Zealand. Dr Barry Milne (Primary Supervisor) with Professor Alan Lee.

Pharmacy (2012–2015). Charon Lessing: Evaluating the impact of PHARMACs reference pricing policy on choice and health status. Professor Peter Davis (Secondary Supervisor) with Professor Toni Ashton.

Community Health (2011–2015). Jo Broad: Estimating the accommodation and care needs of older New Zealanders in the later life course. Professor Peter Davis (Secondary Supervisor) with Professor Toni Ashton.

Population Health (2012–2015). Tom Robinson: Applying quasi-experimental methods to assess the impact of health service interventions in New Zealand. Professor Peter Davis (Primary Supervisor) with Associate Professor Roger Marshall.

Masters and honours candidates

Statistics (2019). MSc dissertation. Shaun Roberts: Assessing statistical disclosure risk among international data repositories.

Statistics (2018). BSc Honours dissertation. Oliver Mills: Exploring the Scale Effect: The impact scale has on homogeneity and suppression.

Public Policy (2018). MPP dissertation. Natalia Boven: Exploring different methods of measuring ethnicity for estimating ethnic inequalities in health and the policy implications.

Statistics (2018). BSc Honours dissertation. Lucas Chen: Who lives in deprived places? The extent of mismatch between personal socioeconomic position and area level measures of deprivation.

Public Health (2017–18). MPH dissertation. Olivia Healey: Creating a measure of socioeconomic position for over 65s.

Statistics (2016). MSc dissertation. Justin Gunter: The effect of urban living on mortality risk in New Zealand.

Statistics (2015). BSc (Hons). Shahirah Ayob: The relationship between infant mortality and income inequality in NZ 1963-2007.

Statistics (2015). BSc (Hons). Fui Swen Kuh: Do siblings with different socioeconomic trajectories have different mortality risks? Analysis using the New Zealand Longitudinal Census (NZLC).
Statistics (2015). BSc (Hons). Justin Gunter: What is effect of long-term unemployment on mortality risk? Analysis using the New Zealand Longitudinal Census (NZLC).

Statistics (2014). BSc (Hons). Liza Bolton: Factors explaining the low income return for education among Asian New Zealanders.

Economics (2014). Lorraine Lee: Understanding the childhood trajectory, its effects and consequences.

Statistics (2013). BSc (Hons). Mugdha Manda: Synthetic data using multiple imputation and stochastically assigned individuals.

Statistics (2012). MSc dissertation. Stephanie Farrow: Non-sampling error in the 2011 New Zealand Election Study.

Statistics (2012). BSc (Hons) dissertation. Sam Passmore: BART vs Logistic Regression in propensity score estimation.

Statistics (2012). MSc dissertation. Lindy Guo: Data Management For Combining Data Sets.

Statistics (2012). MSc dissertation. Emma Gullery: A Comparison of Methods for Analysing Hospital Length of Stay.

Statistics (2012). MSc dissertation. Hind Behayaa: Investigating if follow up at outpatient clinics helps prevent adverse patient outcomes from bowel resection and hip replacement procedures.

Statistics (2011). BSc (Hons) dissertation. Jessica Maclean: Outpatient non-attendance in the NZ Public Health System.

Statistics (2011). MSc dissertation. Brian Byun: Occupation-based socio-economic scores: a path analysis approach.

Statistics (2011). MSc dissertation. Carmen Lim: Applying Propensity Scores to Compare Hospital Performance.

Statistics (2011). MSc dissertation. Eric Mar: Hospital restructuring: was it harming us? A time series analysis.

Statistics (2010). BSc Hons dissertation. Carmen Lim: Tracking changes in primary medical care: Waikato 1979-2002.

Statistics (2010). MSc dissertation. Karl Parker: Underpinning transparency in research: A template for an enhanced publication.

Statistics (2009). MSc thesis. Sanat Pradhan: Predicting clinical activity in NZ general practice.

Medicine (2009). University of Rotterdam medical elective. Bianca Shmit & Martijn Struik: Antibiotic prescribing for children with upper respiratory tract infection in general practice: A comparison between NZ & the Netherlands in 2001.

Summer scholars

Science (2023–2024). Kelvin Xiao & Olivia Rowe (Statistics).

Science (2019-2020). Charlotte Svardal (School of Psychology).

Arts (2019–2020). Vinh An Nguyen (School of Social Sciences).

Science (2017). Lucas Chen (Statistics).

Science (2017). David Campbell (Statistics).

Science (2016). Caitlin Spence (Statistics). Why do students underachieve their ability? British Cohort Study and Dunedin Study.

Engineering (2016). Irene Wu (Engineering). Creating weights for the 2016 Social Attitudes Survey.

Arts (2016). Rebecca Grimwood (Sociology). Public opinion on the role of government from the 2016 Social Attitudes Survey.

Arts (2015). Clark Tipene (Sociology). Citizenship attitudes and behaviours: Results from the 2015 Social Attitudes Survey.

Science (2015). David Chan (Statistics). Analysing social network data from the New Zealand General Social Survey 2014.

Science (2015). Katy Fahey (Statistics). The New Zealand Socioeconomic Index 2013.

Science (2014). Rahul Singhal (Statistics). Developing bias weights for the New Zealand Longitudinal Census.

Science (2014). Chris Liu (Statistics). Construction of life-course variables for the New Zealand Longitudinal Census.

Arts (2014). Lucy Cowie (Psychology). Obtaining best estimates for Māori transitions through the life-course.

Science (2013). Mengdan Yu (Statistics). Developing Simario (R package).

Science (2013). Vera Clarkson (Statistics). Investigating linkage bias in the NZ longitudinal census.

eResearch (2012). Shubham Sharma (Engineering): Moving NZSSDS to an open source architecture (Dataverse).

Science (2012). Bede Maclaurin (Computer Science): Enhancing an open-source policy/decision support package (JAMSIM).

Arts (2012). Aimee Matiu (Māori Studies): Māori political patterns from the 2011 New Zealand Election & Referendum Study.

Arts (2011). Lucy Power. The New Zealand Election Survey.

Arts (2011). Chris Levett. The New Zealand Election Survey.

Science (2011). Emma Gullery: Enhancing research resources via a research repository.

Science (2011). Sonia Polak: Modelling the impact of social norms on inter-ethnic partnership.

Science (2010). Alex Marks: Implementing a template for a research repository.

Arts (2010). Edwin Sayes: Drawing substantive social research questions from longitudinal studies.

Science (2010). Yang Gao: Models of count response variables for simulation of health outcomes in the early life course.

Arts (2009). Kaylynn Oon: Establishing a template for a research repository with real-world examples.

Medical & Health Sciences (2009). Thomas Evans: Tracking of primary health care indicators 1979-2001.

Science (2009). Carmen Lim: Modifying & archiving survey data sets for teaching purposes.