Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Project Management (PGDipEPM)

Develop versatile project management skills and become empowered to apply critical concepts effectively across a diverse range of industries.

Quick facts


1 year

The programme can also be completed part time.

Points 120
Locations City Campus, Online
Programme type Postgraduate

Programme overview

There is a growing demand for skilled project managers both within New Zealand and globally. The PGDipEPM will help you develop the ability to apply the principles, concepts and ideas that define project management across a range of industries.

As a graduate of this programme, you’ll be well-equipped to apply these principles to real-world scenarios with a critical and reflective approach. You’ll also be eligible to apply for registration with the Project Management Institute (PMI).

This programme is subject to final regulatory approval and is therefore subject to change.

For more information about this programme, please contact us.