Doctoral degree regalia

Higher doctoral degrees

  • The gown for higher doctoral degrees is the same as the Cambridge Master of Arts, but made of black silk or scarlet silk or cloth.
  • The hood is wholly made of silk. It comes in the following colours for the different degrees:
Degree Colour of hood
Doctor of Engineering Dark violet
Doctor of Laws Light blue
Doctor of Literature Pink
Doctor of Science Dark blue

Doctor of Philosophy

  • The gown is the same as for the Cambridge Master of Arts with the addition of scarlet facings edged with gold satin.
  • The hood is made wholly of scarlet silk.

Other doctoral degrees

  • The gowns for the following doctoral degrees are the same as the Cambridge Master of Arts, faced with satin with the same colour as their hoods.
Degree Colour of hood
Doctor of Clinical Psychology Dark blue
Doctor of Education Emerald green
Doctor of Fine Arts Gold
Doctor of Medical Sciences Crimson
Doctor of Music White
Doctor of Musical Arts White
Doctor of Pharmacy Grey green.