Introducing OneDrive

Find out more about using Microsoft's OneDrive free cloud-based storage to always have your files with you

What is OneDrive?

With OneDrive, you can sync files between your computer and the cloud, so you can get to your files from anywhere - your computer, your mobile device, and even through the OneDrive website at If you add, change, or delete a file or folder in your OneDrive folder, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted on the OneDrive website and vice versa. You can work with your synced files directly in File Explorer and access your files even when you’re offline. Whenever you’re online, any changes that you or others make will sync automatically.

Important OneDrive storage changes

Microsoft has announced that all education tenants around the world will have a pooled storage limit at their next contract renewal date. Currently we have unlimited storage in our tenant, but this will change.

We are under the future limit right now, but we should be careful about how we use our storage wherever it is.

The University is applying a flexible cap approach where people are capped based on how much they use currently, with enough extra space to let them keep using OneDrive. This will help us manage our storage better. The next step will be to contact the biggest OneDrive users and ask them to lower their usage if possible.

With every person having vastly different storage requirements, applying a blanket approach to a certain group of people would be a poor way to manage this finite resource.

If this affects you and you need to lower your usage, you will get plenty of communication about this and have months to make any necessary changes as we work through this process.

How do I find how much I'm using and what my cap is?

The easiest is using the OneDrive Sync tool

  1. Right click on the OneDrive - the University of Auckland blue cloud icon on the taskbar (not the white icon if it exists)
  2. Go to Settings
  3. It will show the current usage and quota at the bottom left under the bold Storage heading.
  4. Click on Manage Storage to show your files, sorted by the largest folders. You can then go down to where the most is being used. Note that this view doesn't allow you to delete, but it does show you where you will make the most storage savings.

If you don't have the OneDrive Sync tool installed

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your University details (this will normally be
  3. Down the very bottom left of the page will be Storage, which will show what is used and your cap "the of" part.

Overview of how OneDrive works

OneDrive is already installed on all Mac and Windows computers. On all University Windows computers your Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders also now are stored on OneDrive. This means that they are available everywhere.

Note that even if you are using 3 computers there's not 3 copies of the files - there is a single file with the master stored in the cloud. If you remove a file from OneDrive on one computer, it will remove it from all computers. 

What's the difference between OneDrive, Google Drive and my University home drive?


OneDrive is the recommended choice for storing your University work. It integrates with Microsoft 365 including MS Teams and is easier for you to share files and folders with other students and staff if you decide.

Google Drive

From 1 October 2023, there will be a 1GB quota for all current staff and student Google Drives. We recommend using OneDrive instead.

University Home Drive (H:)

Your University Home Drive is a small drive that you have on University storage. It is only accessible to you while you're enrolled or employed at the University. Your files are also backed up nightly. Because your files are kept in the University datacentres you can use this space to store files that legally must remain in NZ or on the University. It is also useful to store files for applications that don't perform well with OneDrive or Google Drive.

There are some large drawbacks though:

  • As a student you cannot access any files stored here off-campus or from mobile devices
  • It also doesn't allow any files to be shared
  • The space you have available is a small fraction of what you have with OneDrive or Google Drive

Summary of storage options

Item OneDrive Google Drive University home drive (H:)
Storage size: Capped based on current usage with headroom 1GB  (from 1 October 2023)
Less than 25GB
Where my files are stored: Australia Any location world-wide On University premises only
Available off-campus Yes Yes No
Files kept: While employed or enrolled While employed or enrolled
While employed or enrolled
Restore from: Previous versions recovered yourself within 30 days. Files 31-93 days require administrator. Files deleted >93 days unable to be recovered Previous versions recovered yourself Previous versions by IT service request
File sharing: Choose person's name Need to know username Not possible
Integation with Office 365: Yes No No
Ideal for:
  • Work and assignments
  • OneDrive is preferred
  • Files that must remain on University premises or within NZ
  • Applications that don't perform well with cloud-based storage

What should I use OneDrive for?

OneDrive is the ideal place to store your University work and assignments. It allows you to access the files from anywhere - perfect if you need to make quick changes on the fly.

What should I not use OneDrive for?

Your OneDrive files are stored in Australia. If your work requires certain information to remain in New Zealand then you should use your Unifiles home drive (H:) instead. If you are using older applications that struggle working with cloud-based files, then again, Unifiles may be a better solution for those specific files. You shouldn't use OneDrive for any files that need to be kept by the University. You also should not use it for personal files - you should use your own personal storage for that.

Where should I store my Research files?

The University provides both on-premise research drives and institutional Dropbox for staff and graduate students working on University-sponsored research. You should store research in those locations rather than using the Home Drive, Google Drive or OneDrive.

Click to find out more about Research data storage options.

Is my OneDrive really free?

Yes, your OneDrive is free. It is only available while you are enrolled as a student or employed as a staff member though.

Can I use my OneDrive after I leave the University of Auckland?

No - you will lose access to your files and they will be automatically removed by Microsoft soon afterwards. It's really important that if you have files that you want to keep after leaving the University that you MUST copy them elsewhere before you graduate or leave.

Can I use OneDrive in Canvas?

Yes - The Microsoft OneDrive LTI App offers a range of features that simplify file sharing and collaboration for teachers and students. You can easily attach Office 365 files such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets from within the Canvas Rich Content Editor. Additionally, OneDrive LTI allows for the distribution of Office 365 cloud assignments and offers the ability to view and organise personal and course Microsoft Office files. Collaborative projects can be created to enable course members to work together on shared documents in real-time.

You can access and edit OneDrive files directly within Canvas, without the need to switch between multiple platforms or applications. This integration streamlines workflows, saves time, and enhances productivity for teachers and students.

How to guides: