Academic Integrity Advisers

An outline of the role of Academic Integrity Advisers at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland

Each faculty has at least one Academic Integrity Adviser. They are an academic member of staff whose role is to foster a culture of academic integrity and to support consistency in handling cases of academic misconduct.​

Their areas of responsibility may include:​

  • Working with colleagues to embed relevant, discipline-specific material on academic integrity values and concepts into courses​
  • Working with Class Representatives and faculty students’ associations to ensure student input into efforts to educate students about AI
  • ​Membership of the AI COP, sharing good practice around AI and AM
  • ​Liaising with Associate Deans, Academic Heads, Course Directors, AUSA and Student Advocacy ​
  • Manage Poor Academic Practice processes on behalf of the Course Director​
  • Conduct Poor Academic Practice/academic misconduct initial investigations on behalf of the Course Director​​​

For more information, contact