A gift in your will
A donation to the University of Auckland in your will, after your loved ones have been provided for, is the means of creating a legacy dedicated to improving and transforming the future for New Zealand and its people.

Making a gift through your will
A will is very personal and we strongly advise you to consult your legal advisor before drafting a new will or updating an existing one. We are always happy to discuss your wishes and intentions without offering direct legal or financial advice on wills or estate planning.
If you are considering making a bequest to the University of Auckland, here is some suggested wording to ensure your wishes are carried out:
“I give and bequeath to The University of Auckland Foundation, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC10985),
$ (a specific dollar amount)
(a specific percentage) of my estate
(the whole or a specific percentage) of the residue of my estate
(describe precisely the item of property)
free from all duties and charges, as a contribution to The University of Auckland Foundation to be applied for (XYZ), for which the receipt of The University of Auckland Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Note: (XYZ) could simply describe the type of recipient or recipient programme or academic discipline you wish to direct your gift to. We recommend that for specific wishes (XYZ) becomes “The (donor/family/friend’s name) Scholarship/Fellowship/Research Fund” with the supporting document (a statement of intentions) being held at the University.
Honouring Your Intentions
A “statement of intentions” translates a donor’s motives and intentions into workable instructions for the University. It represents the collaborative efforts of you the donor and the University of Auckland in striking the best balance between achieving your objectives and supporting programmes and projects of ongoing importance to the University.
A “statement of intentions” could include information on:
- The distribution schedule for funds (commencement date, tenure, frequency, etc).
- The process of distribution (decision-makers, application process, etc).
- Recipient’s criteria (faculty or department, programme or research objectives, qualifications and grades, personal and financial situation, contribution to community or profession, etc).
- Type of allowable expenditure (tuition fees, capital expenditure, research materials, staff position, etc).
- How the University and recipient will recognize and acknowledge you as donor or your nominee.
Our Commitment To You
If you are considering leaving a gift to (XYZ) in your will through the University of Auckland, we make the following commitments:
- We will always respect your privacy. We recognise and appreciate that your will is personal to you. We will handle whatever gift you leave us with care, sensitivity and respect.
- We recognise that your philanthropic commitment to help us normally develops over a significant period of time and we are committed long term to making a difference to (XYZ).
- Many donors choose not to tell us about gifts in their will; but if you do tell us, we will respect your wishes in terms of how we contact and talk to you in the future.
- We will give you and your family as much choice as we can about how and where your gift will be used through the University of Auckland to make a difference for (XYZ).
- We will use your gift carefully and cost effectively so that it has the greatest impact; and give you the opportunity to connect with the work we do during your lifetime.
Find out more
For more information on including a gift to the University of Auckland in your will, please contact Fraser Alexander.
Fraser Alexander, Development Manager
PH: + 64 9 923 8096
M: 021 840937
EMAIL: f.alexander@auckland.ac.nz
POST: Alumni Relations and Development
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand