
Nau mai ki Te Herenga Mātai Pūkaha. We enable an evolving technological landscape through teaching, research and service to improve the lives of the people of Aotearoa, and beyond.

Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland has been ranked 65th in the world in the 2025 QS World University Rankings – its highest ranking to date.

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Undergraduate engineering student

Learn about the Faculty of Engineering and find out directly from our staff and students where Engineering can take you.

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Explore the subjects, programmes and courses that you can study at a postgraduate level in our faculty.

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Manawa Mai Open Day- Ella

Get a taste of your future. Explore our vibrant campuses in the heart of Auckland, meet staff and students, and get a feel for your first year of uni.

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Engineering student looking through microscope

If you'd like to learn more about undergraduate study in Engineering, register your interest to stay up-to-date with all the latest information.

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Discover our undergraduate and postgraduate subjects available to study across our five Engineering departments.

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Engineering student

Find out what it's like to study with us and what some of our students have chosen to do after graduating.

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Learn about how you can apply your skills and the kind of careers you can pursue as an Engineering graduate.

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Engineering students using laptop

Read our employment newsletter to help you gain ideas and resources related to your degree.

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Our people tell stories about how their experiences, journeys, thoughts, and work fit into a bigger story: what engineering means to us.

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Explore your opportunities in undertaking a PhD in Engineering, and find information on everything you need to know as a doctoral candidate in our faculty.

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Watch our Engineering postgraduate webinar recordings to explore our new programmes and take the next step in your career.

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Our publications are available both online and offline to help you consider your study options, or to assist you throughout your time here.

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Learn which of our postgraduate Engineering programmes are right for you.

Tēnā tirohia | Check it out

Wayve, an AI start-up co-founded by Engineering alumnus Alex Kendall, has raised $1.7b to develop its cutting-edge technology for self-driving vehicles.

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Annual anaesthetic gases released from one hospital add as much greenhouse gas to the atmosphere as 500 return flights between Auckland and London.

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Xichen Chen's unexpected choice to pursue a PhD came amid personal challenges that have helped to shape her engineering career.

Kimihia me pēhea | Read more

Our faculty's new haka, pou whenua and new building are symbolic of how far we've come, and our hope for the future.

Homai he kōrero anō | Tell me more

We have a variety of scholarships available for everyone, from school leavers to postgraduate candidates.

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