Personal support services, leadership and volunteering opportunities and career development advice.
Tirohia ināianei | Look now
Keep up-to-date with the latest student news and ways to get involved in campus life.
Tēnā tirohia | Check it out
Everything you need to know about being a new student, life on campus and how we can support you.
Hōparatia | Explore
Guides to help you view your class and exam timetables, course history, and other online help.
He mōhiohio anō | More info
Welcome to the Student Hubs. Our friendly staff will provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University of Auckland.
Kimihia | Find out
Important dates, enrolment, exams, your transcript and academic record, Summer School and graduation.
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Make a formal complaint, report an incident, get confidential help, make an anonymous report, and other ways to get support for complaints or incidents.
Tēnā uia mai | Enquire now
The University is interested to know how you use Gen-AI to support your studies. Complete the survey between 9 Sep - 23 Sep to be in to win a $100 Prezzy card!
He mōhiohio anō | More info
Find out more about your Campus Card and why you'll need it at the University.
He mōhiohio anō | More info
Find out about Blues Awards, Leadership and Service Awards, University of Auckland prizes, scholarships, and more.
Tūhuratia | Discover
Information about academic integrity and copyright, the Student and University Charters as well as other important policies and guidelines.
Pānui tonu | Read more
Read these guides to help you stay safe online, including how to protect your devices, your information and your identity.
Pānui ināianei | Read now
Know the Code of Practice for Learner Wellbeing and Safety
The Learners Code sets out the roles and responsibilities of TEOs in promoting and supporting your wellbeing, development and educational achievement.