On the left, a student stands in his room proudly wearing a Tongan ta'ovala with his hands on his hips. On the right, a student is smiling while holding a cake and standing in her kitchen.

All that's missing is you

Ko te manu e kai ana I te matauranga nōnā te ao.

Noa sits on a chair holding up their wooden duck.

Waddle into Noa's fun world of silly creatures at 55 Symonds.

Hōparatia | Explore
Nīkau holds his taiaha proudly with both hands.

Tune into the special connection between Nīkau and his taiaha at Grafton Hall.

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Kai stands in the bedroom wearing a spiked jean jacket with pins and hold glittery red platform text.

Strut into Kai's drag persona at Stuart McCutcheon House.

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Lolo stands in his room with hands on his hips proudly wearing his ta'ovala.

Weave yourself into how Lolo stays connected with his Tonga culture at O'Rorke Hall.

Hōparatia | Explore
Rose is in her kitchen wearing a green shirt and apron. She is hold a slice of cake, about to eat it.

Get a taste of Rose's passion for baking at Carlaw Park - Nicholls.

Hōparatia | Explore
Saffiya is sitting on her bed wearing her taonga, a black top and holding her waka paddle.

Dive into Saffiya's journey embracing her taha Māori at University Hall Towers.

Hōparatia | Explore
Sala sits on her bed while holding a guitar across her lap.

Hear from our 2023 residents and the prized possessions that helped them build a new home away from home.

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