Student Voice Policy and Guidelines

This is an entirely new Policy and Guidelines, and has been developed by a working group co-led by:

  • President of the AUSA, Alan Shaker
  • President of the PGSA, Julia Stjarnhage
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Education, Professor Bridget Kool

The key drivers for the development of the Policy and Guidelines are:

  • The University’s Taumata Teitei - Vision 2030 and Strategic Plan 2025’s commitment to a strong and meaningful engagement with students.
  • The Pastoral Care Code of Practice’s requirements that we understand and respond to diverse learner voices and put students at the centre of decision-making.
  • Cycle 6 Academic Audit report’s affirmation of the University’s intention to develop this, and its recommendation to train, recognise and manage the impact on students.

The Policy and Guidelines were approved by Council in December 2023, and will come into effect on 1 July 2024:

Contacts for this policy:

Owner: Professor Valerie Linton, Provost
Content manager: David Hayward, Manager, Academic Quality