News and opinion

The latest news and views from the University of Auckland.

Feature Article

Isabella Shields (Ngāti Porou), engineering PhD student

16 September 2024

The Māori ‘r’ sound plays a critical role in both speech technology and language revitalisation, says electrical engineer researcher Isabella Shields.

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Education and society

  • Three 12 year olds in the Growing Up in New Zealand study

    19 September 2024

    New Zealand's largest contemporary longitudinal study of child development, hosted and led by the University of Auckland, has received government funding until 2028.

  • School says school zone sign of 40 km/hour

    18 September 2024

    Opinion: The Transport Minister’s plan to increase speed limits across Auckland looks increasingly out of touch with what residents want, says Tim Welch, which is safer streets, not permission to drive faster.

  • The national Māori flag known by it's Māori name Tino Rangatiratanga flapping on a windy day in trees.

    17 September 2024

    Opinion: According to David Seymour, the Treaty Principles Bill is all about democracy, but the broader politics he pursues runs counter to this, argues Neal Curtis

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