Share your study experience or career journey with prospective Arts students

Whether you’re a graduate of the last decade - or have over 10 years of professional experience since graduation - and are interested in being an ambassador for the Faculty of Arts, we’d love to hear from you!

Ambassador tasks may include things like giving a short talk to our international students about your career, sharing your study experience and career journey on our channels, speaking at a recruitment event, or talking to prospective students at your old high school about what studying a BA at the University of Auckland is like and your career path.

Register your interest by clicking the button below, and a member of staff will be touch. Please note that depending on the responses we receive, we may not be able to contact all alumni who register an interest.

Share your experiences and insights with Arts international students

Were you once an international student and have since successfully navigated the challenges of language and social barriers - or the complexity of a NZ or international job search? We are looking for Arts alumni to share experiences and insights with our current international students in Arts, from what the world of work is like now, to transitioning back to your home country, to advancing in your career.

It is very hard for international students to find their own identity in a new country and environment. And the pandemic has presented extra challenges for them to find a job with their Arts degrees. They need your help!