INTBUS 151G Business Across Borders

INTBUS 151G | ARTS, EDSW, EMHSS, LC | Summer School & Semester Two 2024 | City Campus | 15 points


Business on a global scale presents unique challenges and unrivalled opportunities to companies equipped to cross national boundaries. Set against a background of current events, the course explores the influence of international trade and multinational corporations on the contemporary global economy.

Restriction: BUSINESS 101, 111, INTBUS 201, 202

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand and describe the main forces and actors in international business.
  2. Clarify the role of international business in the global economy.
  3. Summarise the societal challenges posed by contemporary international business. 
  4. Offer arguments for and against international business. 

Student Feedback

'I think this course is a really good introduction to the world of international business. It is enough to pique interests and allow engagement on a slightly deeper level without being overwhelming for those of us who haven't studied commerce before.'

'The content of this course really opened my eyes and gave me deeper insight on this world and how the modern society operates. I am very glad I took it.'

For More Information