Report a safety injury, incident or observation
Online form and information to help with Health, Safety & Wellbeing observations, incident and injury reports.
When reporting a health and safety incident or injury please ensure you also contact :
- the person in charge
- your line manager or academic leader
If you are a student please talk to your academic supervisor or contact the Student Contact Centre.
Serious Incidents or Injury:
If there has been an incident resulting in, or only narrowly avoiding serious harm, preserve the scene and notify the Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) team immediately to determine whether a formal investigation is required.
For emergency assistance contact University Security (24 hours):
Ph 0800 373 7550 or 966 (internal)
Privacy of Information
The information collected for health and safety incidents are for the express purpose of enabling an appropriate response to the incident including investigation, follow up, corrective actions and consolidated reporting. The information contained therein is not to be shared for any other purpose accept with the express approval from the person involved.
Online reporting (available to staff only)
Students should report incidents, injuries and observations to the Student Contact Centre or via their academic supervisor.
To assist with identification of the person involved, please include their Staff/Student ID number and a contact phone number (if known) in the "What Happened" section.
Please note that the searching of names is via the person's legal name which may differ to their preferred name.
Report any injury to an employee, student, contractor or visitor during the course of work activity.
Incident (No Injury)
Report any unplanned event or occurrence that under slightly different circumstances could have caused harm, injury, ill-health or damage.
Report observed safe (positive) or unsafe (hazardous) acts or conditions.
What and when should incidents or accidents be reported?
Any incident, injury, illness or related health and safety concern at the University of Auckland must be reported if they occur:
- On Campus
- At a UoA controlled entity (eg offsite store
- At a "Work from home space", if the incident is work related
- Or while taking part in any University-sanctioned activity or field-trip (including when overseas or during maritime work)
These include:
- Injuries or illnesses
- Incidents or near-misses with potential for harm to persons
- Health and Safety observations (safe/positive or unsafe/hazardous)
- Gradual process injuries such as OOS-related diagnosis, noise-induced hearing loss or dermatitis (where an actual injury date may be difficult to determine). Note that you should record these injuries when you first notice the symptoms or suspect you have them.
- Any time you have sought treatment from a medical provider for an injury that may be deemed work related (eg doctor, physio)
Damstra Safety (Vault) user access request
You can request access to the HSW Damstra Safety (Vault) Enterprise system by submitting the Damstra Safety (Vault) user access request.
This form can only be accessed by UoA staff.
Damstra Safety (Vault) online courses
Please complete the Damstra Safety (Vault) online courses to learn how to report and manage the incidents.
Notifiable events
These are serious events where someone's health or safety is endangered or threatened.
Find out more: Notifiable events
Health and Safety References
University of Auckland Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
University of Auckland Health, Safety and Wellbeing definitions
Health and Safety at Work Act, 2015 (WorkSafe)
Document Control
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: Jun 2020
Next Review: Jun 2023
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing