How to leave a gift in your will
Your will is your personal legacy to the future of your family, friends and the issues you care about most deeply. It is often described as a reflection of your life, your loves and your values.
While including the University of Auckland is a simple process and we are always happy to discuss your wishes and intentions, you should consult your legal and financial advisors in the drafting of any will.
Your gift can be made in several ways – by leaving a sum of money, a percentage of your estate, or property such as shares, art works, land or buildings.
If you are considering making a gift to The University of Auckland Foundation, here is some suggested wording to ensure your wishes are carried out:
“I give and bequeath to The University of Auckland Foundation, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC10985),
$... (a specific dollar amount)
or… (a specific percentage) of my estate
or… (the whole or a specific percentage) of the residue of my estate
or… (describe precisely the item of property)
free from all duties and charges, as a contribution to The University of Auckland Foundation to be applied to the (insert the purpose of the gift), for which the receipt of The University of Auckland Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
In addition to your will, it is possible for us to draw up a “statement of intentions” which instructs the University in exactly how you would like your gift to be used. This process would be a collaborative effort between you, the donor, and the University of Auckland to strike a balance between your objectives and support for the programmes and projects of importance to the University.
A “statement of intentions” could include information on:
- The distribution schedule for funds (commencement date, tenure, frequency, etc.).
- The process of distribution (decision-makers, application process, etc.).
- Recipient’s criteria (faculty or department, programme or research objectives, qualifications or grades, personal or financial situation, contribution to community or profession, etc.).
- Type of allowable expenditure (tuition fees, capital expenditure, research materials, staff position).
- How the University and recipient will recognise and acknowledge you or your nominee as the donor.
If you have questions or concerns, or would like to talk confidentially about where you are considering leaving your gift, or need more information on the options available and the impact they will have, we would be very happy to help advise you at any time.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our Development Manager, Fraser Alexander, in our Alumni Relations and Development Office. You can contact Fraser by phone on +64 (o) 9 923 8096, on mobile +64 (0) 21 840937, or by email at
You are also very welcome to visit Fraser at University House, 19A Princes Street, Auckland Central.