Eliminating the virus you didn't know you had

Adjunct Professor Ed Gane on the campaign to rid Aotearoa New Zealand of the virus Hepatitis C.

Tim Dare and Ed Gane
Professor Ed Gane (right) and Professor Tim Dare, who has been cured of Hepatitis C.

Adjunct Professor Ed Gane led the drug trials that found a successful cure for patients with Hepatitis C. The drug, now known as, Sofosbuvir has since cured millions of people worldwide. Professor Gane is now leading the campaign to eradicate Hepatitis C in New Zealand.

He spoke at the inaugural Hīkina kia Tutuki, Rise to the Challenge: Researchers with Global Impact event, hosted by Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

For more stories on research responding to society's big issues, go to Mātātaki, The Challenge, for stories and video on research and its impact.

For republication and media queries, contact:

Gilbert Wong

E: gilbert.wong@auckland.ac.nz

M: 021 917942

For more stories on research responding to society's big issues, go to Mātātaki, The Challenge, for stories and video on research and its impact.