Hineteiwaiwa Te Kōhanga Reo

The only Māori early childhood centre and one of three centres on the City Campus. It is near the Waipapa Marae.

Hineteiwaiwa Te Kohanga Reo street sign

Ngā mihinui ki a koe mō te rau mai I tō tamaiti, ki te hono mai a whānau ki te whānau o Hineteiwaiwa Te Kōhanga Reo.
Tēnā rawa atu koe.

Hineteiwaiwa Te Kōhanga Reo is a Marae-based Kōhanga under the auspices of Waipapa Marae and caters to ngā hau e whā.

It provides studying parents with a Māori alternative for the care and protection of their tamariki. This option has been embraced passionately by predominantly Māori parents wanting their children to learn and grow in a tikanga Māori environment.

Hineteiwaiwa was started by the University for the benefit of its students although non-studying parents as well as non-Māori parents can apply for their children to attend.

It was established by the Tari Māori and continues to get tangible support from the department. Hineteiwaiwa operates under the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Charter Policy and is fully supported by the University of Auckland.

Commitment to the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo

Hineteiwaiwa Te Kōhanga Reo Whānau are committed to the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo as set out in the Korowai document.

Hineteiwaiwa is based in the rohe of Ngāti Whātua and recognises their special status as Tāngata Whenua. It is also a pan-tribal Kōhanga Reo catering to the needs of students and working parents from throughout the Motu as well as being from other ethnic backgrounds. To this effect, all children will be required to learn their own Pepeha/Whakapapa.

Hineteiwaiwa will access the support of whānau, hapū, iwi and the TKR National Trust to maintain the integrity of the Kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo.

Ngā Tāngata Āwhina me ngā Rauemi Tautoko:
Hineteiwaiwa has access resources including:

  1. a strong whānau base which incorporates the skills of a number of young professionals
  2. a quality, experienced head kaiako
  3. a committed staff who love working with Ngā Kōhungahunga me tōna whānau kia piki te ora tinana me te reo hoki
  4. access to the University’s support structures for its childcare facilities as well as its student support mechanisms
  5. TKR National Trust resources support.

Morimoria a Tātou tamariki ko rātou hoki te iwi mō āpopo (Nurture our tamariki for they are our future generation)

Licensed for children aged 7 months - 6 years.
Opening hours
: 8-5pm Monday to Friday.

For more information, contact:

Hineteiwaiwa Te Kōhanga Reo
23 Alten Road
City Campus

Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext: 86534
Direct dial: +64 923 6534

Guitars on a wall at the early childhood centre