Izzat Ramli
Izzat came from Malaysia to study for a Bachelor of Architectural Studies. He is now working towards completing a Master of Architecture (Professional) degree.

“Architecture is a very demanding programme. It demands your time, skills, energy, and requires creative thinking with technicality. I’m grateful to be surrounded by good studio mates who are always supportive, and by tutors, many of whom are professional practicing architects, who give me guidance and advice. The quality of students’ work is significantly influenced by the large working space provided by the School of Architecture and Planning, complete with high-end computers and other technologies.
“In 2018 I received a Summer Research Scholarship from the University to develop my research on the connection between indigenous architecture of the Pacific and South East Asia, supervised by Professor Deidre Brown. The scholarship enabled me to conduct research in Malaysia, Borneo, and Indonesia.
“I am also a recipient of the Public Service Department of Malaysia Academic Scholarship. The scholarship has given me the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience living abroad and studying in a high ranking university.”
Don’t be scared of trying and learning new things. Be confident in expressing your ideas and opinions because other students from different countries can learn a lot from us, too.
“I always aspire to be creative and want to use my skills to help the community. My four years of study at the University of Auckland have helped shape my architectural thinking. I have learned from different kinds of projects throughout my studies, from high rise buildings to social housing for slum dwellers, and hope to use those ideas in my future career.
“Every international student is like an ‘ambassador’ for their own country. Don’t be scared of trying and learning new things. Be confident in expressing your ideas and opinions because other students from different countries can learn a lot from us, too, who came from a very different country with our own unique culture and identity.”