Doctoral scholarships information and forms

This page contains information for students who have been awarded a doctoral scholarship for study at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland.

University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship

The University of Doctoral Scholarship provides a tax-free stipend of up to $34,569 per annum in 2025, with an annual CPI adjustment to the stipend value, for up to 36 months full-time equivalent (FTE) for awardees enrolled in a PhD, DMedSc, DClinPsy, or DocFA, or for up to 24 months FTE for awardees enrolled in the research component of an EdD or DHSc.

In addition, while in receipt of the scholarship, the University will cover tuition and Student Services Fees, as well as (single-student) international health insurance (international students only).

Other doctoral scholarships

The University of Auckland Scholarships Office also administers a wide range of other doctoral scholarships. Some of these have regulations you can find in the Find a scholarship or award searchable database. You might also have been awarded a scholarship funded by a research project awarded to your supervisor by an external funder such as the Royal Society (Marsden Grants) or HRC.

Viewing your scholarship payments

You can see your recent scholarship payments in Student Services Online.

  1. Log into Student Services Online (SSO) and go to the 'Scholarship & Payments' tile.
  2. Click on the Payments tab.
  3. Click on the Transactions arrow.
  4. Click on the Generate Report button to download a pdf copy of your payslip.

Doctoral scholarship forms

Under the conditions of  your scholarship, you must notify the Scholarships Office if there is any change in your enrolment or funding situation, so if you are changing your enrolment to part-time, or suspending your study, or if you have been awarded an additional scholarship or award, you will need to request a change to your scholarship conditions by completing one of the  forms below.

Requests to hold your scholarship part-time, or to suspend your scholarship are separate from a request to suspend your study or swap to part-time study. You will need to complete a request in Whahapū, as well as completing one of the below forms.

Your request will be considered in conjunction with the specific regulations or terms and conditions for your scholarship.

Request a Scholarship Funding Letter

If you need a letter confirming your scholarship funding and have been awarded one of the following scholarships, you can request this letter through Student Services Online:

  • University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship
  • University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extension
  • University of Auckland Senior Health Research Scholarship
  • University of Auckland Business School Dean’s Doctoral Scholarship
  • University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship
  • Dean's International Doctoral Scholarship (FMHS)
  • Allan Maxwell Science PhD Scholarship
  • Barry Spicer and Owen G Glenn PhD Scholarship
  • Murray Wren Doctoral Scholarship in Architecture
  • Professor Brian Coote Memorial Scholarship

If your scholarship is funded by research project funding awarded to your supervisor, you will need to request the letter directly from your supervisor, you will not be able to complete the below process.

  1. Log into Student Services Online (SSO) and go to the 'Scholarship & Payments' tile.
  2. Click on 'Request Funding Letter" and then 'OK' to the pop-up box.
  3. When the letter is approved by the Scholarships Office, you will receive a notification in your SSO and a 'Download' link will appear in the 'Scholarship Funding Letters' tab. You can then download the letter as a pdf file.
  4. Your current and previous request(s) for funding letters is recorded in the 'Scholarship Funding Letters' tab.

University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extension

If you hold a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship or you have been receiving external funding, you may be eligible to apply for a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extension.  

Academic Career Advancement Award

The Academic Career Advancement Programme (ACAP) is designed to prepare doctoral candidates for a career in academia. Through a series of seminars, the programme allows candidates to explore key aspects of academic life, build interdisciplinary relationships with academics across the University, and get a head start in the academic job market.

Candidates are subject to a competitive selection process where priority is given to mid-phase doctoral students who have completed their provisional goals. Due to the high proportion of applications, meeting these criteria does not guarantee you a place.

Tuition is funded by the Academic Career Advancement Award.

Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Award

The Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme is a free year-long programme for University of Auckland doctoral candidates from all disciplines. It is designed to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and skills.

Entrepreneurial careers occur within and beyond the world of start-ups and entrepreneurial skills are relevant in numerous contexts, including academia, social enterprises, community and government organisations, and corporate settings. This programme will equip you with the tools and frameworks to develop ideas, opportunities and solutions and realise impact and value from them in a myriad of contexts.

The programme has relevance to doctoral candidates from all disciplines, with costs covered by way of a scholarship. On completion of the programme, participation will be recognised on participants academic transcripts.