Other postgraduate funding options

Find out about other funding sources available to support you in postgraduate or doctoral study.

The following content is sourced from external websites and is provided for convenience. The University of Auckland Scholarships Office is not responsible for the accuracy or content on such websites and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement of the linked websites or their providers.

1000minds Decision-Making Scholarship

A Scholarship of $2,000 USD, plus free access to 1000minds software for your project for Masters or PhD research (e.g. thesis, dissertation etc.) where decision-making is central to the research. The research may use multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) / multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools, but that‘s not a requirement.

1000minds Conjoint Analysis Scholarship

A Scholarship of $2,000 USD, plus free access to 1000minds software for your project for Masters or PhD research (e.g. thesis, dissertation etc.) about or involving the use of conjoint analysis, choice modelling or a discrete choice experiment (DCE).

For more information and to apply visit 1000minds scholarships.

AINSE Scholarships and Awards

The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering offers scholarships and awards annually.

For information on scholarships and grants visit AINSE Scholarships and Awards.

BRANZ Postgraduate Scholarships

BRANZ Inc. offers scholarships for masters and PhD level students undertaking research in fields deemed to be of importance to the building and construction sector. For more information and to apply visit BRANZ Postgraduate Scholarships.

Capstone Editing Scholarships

Capstone Editing offers scholarships for both research and taught postgraduate students. For more information and to apply visit Capstone Editing Scholarships.

Coastal Restoration Trust Postgraduate Study Scholarship

The Scholarship provides funds to assist with postgraduate level research to improve knowledge in the field of coastal restoration. The award is usually $2,000 plus expenses to travel and present at the Coastal Restoration Trust Conference. For more information and to apply visit Coastal Restoration Trust Postgraduate Study Scholarship.

German Academic Exchange Services DAAD Scholarships

The DAAD database lists information on various kinds of DAAD funding as well as funding offered by other select organisations for study in Germany. For more information visit the DAAD database.

Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ) Postgraduate Scholarships

The HortNZ Postgraduate Scholarship ($10,000) is available for postgraduate study in horticulture or related fields.

The NZ Fruitgrowers' Charitable Trust Postgraduate Scholarship ($10,000) is available for postgraduate study specifically related to the fruit industry.

Both scholarships also include a professional development programme. See HortNZ Scholarships for more information and to apply.

The Marion Cunningham Memorial Fund Grant

For students engaging in research enhancing veterinary contributions to the welfare and management of New Zealand's wildlife and promoting communication among both veterinarians and non-veterinarians with expertise in wildlife management and research. For more information and to apply visit Marion Cunningham Memorial Fund Grant.

Mexican Government Scholarship programme for International Students

The Mexican Government offers scholarships for international students to study for masters or doctoral degrees, or graduate level academic mobilty programme in Mexico. For more information and to apply visit Mexican Government Scholarship.

New Zealand Space Scholarship to NASA

The New Zealand Space Scholarship covers internship opportunities at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Silicon Valley, California and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

For more information and to apply visit MBIE - New Zealand Space Scholarship to NASA.

New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society Scholarship in Freshwater Research

A $7,500 Scholarship for Masters or Honours degree students researching fundamental or applied science, mātauranga Māori, engineering, law, economics or any other field of relevance in freshwater management and protection. For more information and to apply visit New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society.

New Zealand Institute of Forestry Foundation Scholarships

The NZIF Foundation offers various scholarships, up to a value of $10,000, for university study.  For more information and to apply visit NZIF Foundation.

Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand Scholarships

Scholarships totalling $15,000 for  masters level research related to resource management on topics related to the application of resource management in New Zealand. For more information and to apply go to RMLA Scholarships.

The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff) Postgraduate Scholarships

Sylff is a global programme aimed at nurturing leaders who initiate action, overcome differences and address contemporary issues facing our world. Scholarships are offered to students enrolled in research in either a Masters of PhD degree in the broad field of Humanities, Social Sciences or interdisciplinary studies that incorporate Humanities and Social Sciences by focussing on issues such as sustainability or poverty, who demonstrate leadership qualities and high potential for future leadership in either public or private life. For more information and to apply visit Sylff Postgraduate Scholarships.  

STONZ Research Grants

Specialty Trainees of New Zealand (STONZ), a union for junior doctors, has dedicated 5% of union revenue to help support research. They have made this fund available to university students in any field in the form of a scholarship. Up to $5000 can be awarded to support research projects with relevance to the health workforce (health workforce wellbeing/fatigue, health economics, health informatics, safer working hours and sleep management etc) and $1000 grants available for other clinical research projects. Applications and more information available on the STONZ website at https://www.stonz.co.nz/research/.

Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for Japanese Language Education Postgraduate Scholarships

The fund offers scholarships to students enrolled in masters or doctoral research in Japanese studies, preferably a topic related to Japanese Language or its teaching. For more information and to apply visit Sasakawa Postgraduate Scholarships.

Transport Research Scholarships

Te Manatū Waka–Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency have established, and jointly fund, the Transport Research Scholarships. The scholarships were established to support students undertaking postgraduate research focusing on transport and its role and impact on Aotearoa New Zealand society. Applications are sought from candidates whose research focuses on the topics, questions or strategic priorities of importance to the funders as described in Appendices 1–3 of the Regulations. Applications close on 31 October 2023. For more information and to apply visit Transport Research Scholarships.

The Yenching Academy Scholarships

The Yenching Academy is an elite residential college of Peking University, offering an “intensive Master’s in China Studies program of interdisciplinary courses that will allow students to understand Chinese history and culture, as well as contemporary issues in China’s development”.

“Yenching Scholars will be a diverse group of talented young leaders who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, innovative thought, and a commitment to the betterment of society.”

University of Auckland graduates and current students are eligible to apply for a Yenching Academy Scholarship to study the Master in China Studies programme. Yenching Scholars receive a fellowship that covers tuition, fees, accommodation and living costs.

For more information, visit Yenching Academy Scholarships.

General external scholarship and funding providers