Māori-medium Education
The Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Huarahi Māori specialisation will qualify you to be a Māori-medium teacher or teacher of te reo at primary and intermediate level. A range of other undergraduate and postgraduate courses provide you with an understanding of Māori-medium Education as part of other topics in education.

Subject overview
If you are proficient in te reo, you can choose to specialise in learning teaching skills in the Māori-medium curriculum through the three-year Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Huarahi Māori specialisation. The programme aims to develop your understanding of education and familiarise you with the Māori-medium curriculum, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. It will enhance your knowledge and skills in the areas of te reo matatini (literacy), pāngarau (numeracy), tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, Māori pedagogy and second language acquisition and pedagogy. You will gain first-hand experience of teaching by applying your learning in Māori-medium, bilingual and mainstream classrooms during noho ā kura (practicum).
Other options include an Arts degree in Education, aimed at students who are interested in education but don’t necessarily want to become a teacher. This programme offers an introduction to Māori education. An Arts degree in Māori Studies looks at Māori knowledge and learning as well as te reo and tikanga Māori.
You can also undertake a research masters degree that looks at areas such as: Māori and Indigenous language revitalisation, language education, and language policy; the critical study of race and ethnicity in education, Kaupapa Māori theory; Māori-Pakeha (and wider colonial-Indigenous) educational relationships; and Indigenous and postcolonial studies in education.
Where can Māori-medium Education take you?
If you take the Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Huarahi Māori specialisation you’ll be qualified to teach in Māori-medium, bilingual and mainstream primary and intermediate schools. This degree, as well as other studies in Māori-medium Education, can lead to careers in school management and curriculum development, as well as working with iwi and community groups.