Gain an understanding of the New Zealand taxation system and its application in today’s business environment, including how taxation affects accounting practice.

Subject overview
Tax is a cost on business, and tax compliance is the most common area where business, government and the law come into contact. Accordingly, a basic understanding of tax is useful for all business and law students.
The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) major includes courses that are essential prerequisites for those planning to join Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) or Certified Practising Accountants Australia (CPA Australia). You can study finance and property law, company law and/or commercial contracts, before undertaking courses that will provide you with an advanced understanding of taxation.
The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) includes an elective course in taxation, although this is an essential course for graduates who want to become a tax lawyer.
Where can Taxation take you?
A BCom major or LLB specialisation in taxation gives your degree a point of difference that can lead to a range of specialist career possibilities.
Tax as a career is less subject to the normal business cycles, and demand for tax professionals and tax lawyers is always strong.
Career opportunities range from tax law consulting and financial planning to international structured finance.