Youth Health
Youth Health is a multi-disciplinary specialisation that aims to support and enhance the healthy development and wellbeing of young people.

Subject overview
It is of great concern that New Zealand youth currently have rates of suicide, pregnancy and motor vehicle crash fatalities that are amongst the highest in the OECD.
The wellbeing of our youth population is critical to our country’s future social and economic prosperity. New research knowledge offers opportunities to make significant gains in the health and wellbeing of young people today and into the future.
Youth Health focuses on a population group that is increasingly the core business of health services in a range of school, community and health facility settings.
Study Youth Health for a rewarding and interesting career where you can make a contribution to the health of youth in New Zealand.
Where can Youth Health take you?
New Zealand has a growing workforce of youth health professionals meeting the emerging health needs of today’s young people, from clinical roles to policy and programme leadership.