Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences, Science (EMHSS) Schedule

Note: You can also choose courses from the Open Schedule.

Courses in the Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences, Science Schedule are available to students enrolled in these degrees:

  • BE(Hons)
  • Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences: BHSc, MBCHB, BMedImag(Hons), BNurs, BOptom, BPharm
  • Faculty of Science: BAdvSci(Hons), BSc
  • Conjoint degrees: BA/BE(Hons), BA/BHSc, BA/BSc, BAdvSci(Hons)/BA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BCom, BAdvSci(Hons)/BDes, BAdvSci(Hons)/BE(Hons), BAdvSci(Hons)/BFA, BAdvSci(Hons)/BHSc, BAdvSci(Hons)/BMus, BAdvSci(Hons)/BNurs, BAdvSci(Hons)/BProp, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB, BAdvSci(Hons)/LLB(Hons), BCom/BE(Hons), BCom/BHSc, BCom/BSc, BDes/BE(Hons), BDes/BHSc, BDes/BSc, BE(Hons)/BFA, BE(Hons)/BMus, BE(Hons)/BProp, BE(Hons)/BSc, BFA/BHSc, BFA/BSc, BHSc/BNurs, BHSc/BSc, BHSc/LLB, BHSc/LLB(Hons), BMus/BSc, BNurs/BSc, BProp/BSc, BSc/BTheol, BSc/LLB, BSc/LLB(Hons) 

Please visit Course Outlines to find more details about the following courses.

Subject Code Title
Dance Studies DANCE 101G Introduction to Dance and Creative Processes
Economics ECON 151G Understanding the Global Economy
Education EDUC 121G How People Learn
History HISTORY 103G Global History
International Business INTBUS 151G Business across Borders
Law LAW 121G* Law and Society
Linguistics LINGUIST 101G Language, Mind and Society
Marketing MKTG 151G Essential Marketing
Music MUS 144G Turning-points in Western Music
Music MUS 149G Rock to Reggae: Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand
Māori Studies   MĀORI 103G Introduction to Spoken Māori  
Pacific Studies PACIFIC 100G Introduction to Pacific Studies
Science General  SCIGEN 102G Contemporary science in Aotearoa NZ
Sociology SOCIOL 101G Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
Transdisciplinarity TDAIS 100 Artificial Intelligence and Society
Transdisciplinarity TDDEM 100 Democracy in the 21st century
Transdisciplinarity TDENVF 100 Our Environmental Futures:  Te Taiao Tāngata
Transdisciplinarity TDFOOD 100 The Future of Food
Transdisciplinarity TDMIGR 100 Migration Futures
Transdisciplinarity TDMOANA 100 Tagata Moana, Tangata Whenua: Hawaiki Futures
Youth Work YOUTHWRK 152G Understanding New Zealand Youth

* Please refer to the General Education Regulations, notes (iv), (v) and (vii) in the University Calendar.


  • If you are enrolled in a conjoint degree, you can choose from the Open Schedule or from either faculty schedule relevant to your degrees.
  • Please note, as of 12 June 2023 regulations for General Education have changed. The changes now allow for you to take courses in the same subject to fulfil your General Education requirements. However, if you pass other non-General Education courses in the same subject as your completed General Education courses, then any General Education course/s you have previously taken in this same subject can no longer be used to meet the General Education requirement for the degree they are in, e.g., if you pass DANCE 101G and DANCE 201G and then subsequently take DANCE 131, then DANCE 101G and DANCE 201G will no longer meet your General Education requirement. If you have any questions about how to meet your General Education requirement, please see the Student Hubs