A safe, inclusive and equitable University

The practical and pastoral ways that the University is a safe, inclusive and equitable place to study and work.

People with their hands in a circle

Learn about the principles that guide the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity and the wider University.

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A group of five young people seated outside looking at a phone held by the person in the middle.

The Disability Action Plan sets out our commitments to providing a safe, inclusive and equitable environment for students and staff with disability.

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students walking past a zero tolerance for discrimination sign

Unacceptable discrimination, including racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia and transphobia, has no place in our University.

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University of Auckland Clocktower

Bullying, harassment and discrimination can threaten your sense of personal security or make you feel uneasy. It is not acceptable and is not tolerated.

How to get help and report incidents
A disabled parking space

Consider equity at every facet of your event. This checklist can help.

Find out more

From conferences, parking, Unisex toilets, information and communications learn how the University is accessible to everyone.

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Fire wardens

Emergency evacuation plan

Guidelines for student or staff member who requires assistance.

Learn how the University can assist you