Equity nudges

Equity prompts you can embed in e-newsletters and other University communications.

  • Did you know you can check and edit your emails and documents to ensure everyone can read them by using the Accessibility Checker under the Review tab?
  • The simple act of slowing down decision-making and reflecting before acting, moves us to more equitable behaviour.
  • If you click on an image and open ‘Edit Alt Text’ you can write a brief description of the image which allows people using screen readers to understand what it is.
  • Can you correctly pronounce the names of all colleagues and students?
  • When we visualise positive and successful role models of a group of people, we are less likely to see the individuals of that group in a negative way.
  • Do your meeting times recognise those with caring responsibilities?
  • Asking questions of ourselves and others before making decisions can increase the probability of making better decisions.
  • When meeting someone different, who you don’t normally associate with – take time to find out about them. Seeing them as an individual rather than seeing them as a category or group stereotype can prevent inaccurate assumptions.
  • We need everyone’s thinking to get new solutions.
  • If you have the latest version of Microsoft 365, clicking on the Microphone icon in the tool bar will allow you to dictate your writings.
  • When we acknowledge other’s contributions and help someone shine, we create an inclusive environment for everyone. 
  • People appreciate us asking if they need help rather than us assuming they do.
  • Using the colour contrast analyser tool will help check colour visibility and whether or not the contrast between two colours can be read by people with colour blindness or other visual impairments.
  • Who’s in your ‘go-to’ group? Are they all similar to you? Increasing our inner circles of trust breaks down affinity biases.
  • Having a go at speaking Te Reo Māori is appreciated, even if it isn't perfect at first.
  • If you are comfortable introducing your pronouns, it creates safety for trans students and staff, and can ensure respectful communications.
  • Captions on Zoom meetings allow people who are Deaf, have hearing impairments or inadequate technology to participate fully.
  • Live transcription of the spoken text that occurs during a meeting is now available on Teams. This allows people who are Deaf, have hearing impairments, ambient noise or inadequate technology to participate fully.
  • Waipapa Taumata Rau is a community of almost 60,000 people. On the University Demographic Data page you can find some information about who we are. These show the composition of our student and staff roups according to some key characteristics.