Board of Graduate Studies

Terms of reference

  • To establish and review the University’s doctoral policies
  • To monitor and report on the University’s doctoral programmes
  • To oversee the provision and review of services and support for doctoral candidates and supervisors
  • To review and make recommendations to Senate on all proposals for new doctoral programmes and subjects, and on major changes to existing doctorates
  • To act on matters relating to the establishment of postgraduate scholarships, prizes and awards as required by Scholarships Committee
  • To recommend on the Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis


  • Dean of Graduate Studies – Chair
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
  • Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Director Graduate Studies
  • Faculty and large-scale research institute (LSRI) Associate Deans (Postgraduate Research) or equivalent
  • Two professors elected by the professoriate
  • Two sub-professorial staff members elected by sub-professorial staff
  • Two representatives of postgraduate students nominated by the Postgraduate Students' Association (PGSA)

The Board of Graduate Studies reports to Senate.

Members and term of office

Dean of Graduate Studies Holds office until
Professor C Daley - Chair Ex-officio
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education   Holds office until
Professor B Kool Ex-officio
Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies
Holds office until
Associate Professor J Cronin
Director Graduate Studies
Holds office until
Dr H Ross
Faculty LSRI Associate Deans (Postgraduate Research) or equivalent
Holds office until
Associate Professor N Curtis, Arts
Dr K Tran, Auckland Bioengineering Institute  Ex-officio
Associate Professor M Benson-Rea, Business and Economics Ex-officio
Dr F Moreale, Creative Arts and Industries
Professor C Fouché, Education and Social Work Ex-officio
Associate Professor M Jones, Engineering Ex-officio
Associate Professor T Dunworth, Law Ex-officio
Associate Professor J Perry, Liggins Institute Ex-officio
Professor T Sherwin, Medical and Health Sciences Ex-officio
Professor V Kirk, Science   Ex-officio
Two professors elected by the professoriate
Holds office until
Professor M Stanley
Professor T ter Elst 31.01.25
Two sub-professorial staff members elected by sub-professorial staff
Holds office until
Associate Professor A Wang
Associate Professor S Jamieson 31.01.25
Two representatives of postgraduate students nominated by the PGSA
Holds office until
J Stjarnhage
November 2023
M Khoshmehr
November 2023
In attendance
Ms J Browne, Director Academic Services
Dr H Collins, Doctoral Experience Manager
Ms S Daly, Doctoral Candidate Manager

Committee Secretary

Ms C Quinn
Phone: +64 9 923 3778
Extn: 83778

Schedule of meetings

Date Time
19.02.2024 9am
08.04.2024 9am
10.06.2024 9am
05.08.2024 9am
07.10.2024 9am
02.12.2024 9am