Weekly Monitoring

Information for managers

Weekly monitoring of injured staff members

As a manager or supervisor, you must maintain weekly contact with your injured employees who cannot work due to a work-related injury or on alternative/selective duties at work. Phone calls or face-to-face visits are the preferred means of communicating.

It has been demonstrated that maintaining frequent contact assists with motivation, sets out clear expectations and addresses perceived concerns or anxieties. 

The monitoring form is there to record the contact between you and the injured employee, and the status of the injury. This contact is extremely important for keeping both parties informed of progress, identifying any concerns and providing support to the injured employee in order to assist their recovery and eventual return to work.

This form MUST be completed on a weekly basis. To access a copy of the online monitoring form (V3, 2024), please click on this link.

Document Control
Version: 2.0
Last Updated: Feb 2024
Next Review: Feb 2027
Owner: hsw@auckland.ac.nz
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing