A brand ecosystem to build social licence for business

VIDEO: Emeritus Professor Rod Brodie’s research has led to a brand eco-system to enhance social licence for business.

Emeritus Professor Rod Brodie, Business School
Emeritus Professor Rod Brodie, Business School

Rod Brodie is a pioneer in understanding the implications of branding and customer engagement. The papers he has worked on with international co-authors are highly cited because the ramifications extend far beyond the boundaries of business. His work has influenced the work of economists, psychologists, and others under the broad umbrella of the social sciences.

He spoke at the inaugural Hīkina kia Tutuki, Rise to the Challenge: Researchers with Global Impact event, hosted by Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

Go to Mātātaki, The Challenge, for stories and video on research and its impact.

For republication and media queries, contact:Gilbert Wong

E: gilbert.wong@auckland.ac.nz

M: 021 917942