Breadcrumbs List.
Future of work
Meet the 'space invader'
28 September 2022
At present progress, a century would pass before academics reflected the diversity of our people. Sereana Naepi puts the spotlight on universities and who they serve.
Tools of ancient hunters find their place in outer space
19 July 2021
Space might be the final frontier, but, like all frontiers it’s strewn with junk. Luckily, Professor Guglielmo Aglietti, director of the Auckland Space Institute has a plan
Literacy needs a life course revolution
30 June 2021
Professor Stuart McNaughton on how a life course approach to literacy and learning would support our children to be confident readers, writers and critical thinkers.
Inside the Reading Wars
30 June 2021
There is a national debate about how best to teach children to read and write against the backdrop of international comparisons that show a decline in our children’s literacy.
Deciphering the decline
30 June 2021
From the rise of social media to dramatic change in the education system, many reasons are offered to explain New Zealand’s decline in international iteracy assessments. Stuart McNaughton says a single cause is very unlikely.
The economics of happiness and well-being
17 February 2021
New Zealand has its own world expert on the economics of happiness. Professor Robert MacCulloch says the pandemic is an opportunity to show how we could do a lot better.
The insidious return of 'slavery'
16 February 2021
International business researcher Christina Stringer has lifted the lid on migrant workers facing serious exploitation in New Zealand
Ready or not, the blockchain revolution is coming
5 September 2020
The technology behind cryptocurrency is going to change the way the world handles information.
Can individuals control the monetisation of their data?
5 September 2020
Tech giants rule the world, making billions of dollars from our personal data. Could the ordinary Googling individual get a share of that?
The human advantage in the age of machines
21 April 2020
Honouring what it is to be human is how we can best respond to the change Artificial Intelligence and Big Tech are bringing to the nature of work.
Sowing human values into the heart of AI
21 April 2020
Philosopher Tim Dare wants to rein in the worst possible consequences of Artificial Intelligence before they happen.
AI for everyone and the end of work as we know it
21 April 2020
A general purpose AI is coming and New Zealand could lead the way as the nature of work is transformed.