Group applications FAQs
2025 Group Applications close on the 31 August 2024.
How do I list all members of my group in the Accommodation Portal?
When you reach the group application page you will see the following

When entering the names of your group please ensure that you use their preferred name as stated on your University enrolment, to ensure that your group gets allocated correctly.
Group Leader:
Jane Friday
Group Members:
John Day / Peter French / Jenny Peach (each name must be separated by a / please do not use a different separator. Be sure to include your name and your group leaders name in this section.)
How many members do we need for a group?
Your group can be anywhere between two to five people. Please note that we have limited numbers of each apartment size – whilst we will try to room your group in an apartment to reflect your group number, your group may be placed with another group or single applicant in the same apartment.
What if we only have a group of two or three?
You are welcome to make a group application with only two members, however, please note we do not have two bed apartments at any of our residences (other than those allocated to families). If you make a two-person group application, you do so knowing you will be roomed with either a second group or other single applicants. If one member of your two-person group withdraws, the other member will automatically become a single applicant.
*Please note that three-person groups are only able to apply for Carlaw Park Student Village - three-person groups for Stuart McCutcheon House will be placed in a five-bed apartment with either a two-person group or other individual applicants.
What is a ‘Group Leader'?
The Group Leader is the liaison between the Accommodation Solutions Team and your group. If we need to get in touch regarding your group application, we will contact your Group Leader and expect they will share the information with the wider group. As part of your application, you will tick to agree to the Group Leader being your chosen liaison. If any changes to your group occur, the Group Leader would be responsible for liaising with the Accommodation Solutions Team with the understanding they have cleared the amendments with the wider group.
What do we expect from the ‘Group Leader’?
Know your group! The Group Leader needs to ensure all Group Members have completed their applications by the 31 August and are aware of the offer criteria for a group application.
What if we currently live in different UoA Accommodation residence?
Your group can be made up of any current UoA Accommodation residents, no matter which residence they currently live in. All criteria for selection still apply. If one of your group members is a UoA student but not a current resident, please ensure that they have submitted their application by the 31 August in order to be considered as part of your group.
What do we expect from the ‘Group Members’?
As a Group Member we expect you to keep your Group Leader advised of any changes to your application or circumstances. You must meet the criteria set out to qualify for an offer. If you have any doubts on meeting the criteria, it is your responsibility to check with your current residential manager to make sure there is nothing on your part that will hinder the group being offered accommodation.
What is the group selection criteria?
- You are a responsible and respectful member of the community. [This will be determined by evaluating any incident reports relating to you]
- You have taken care of your current room and common space. [This will be determined by any damage charges applied to you alone - it does not include community charges]
- Your current account status and payment history. [This will be determined by reviewing your account and whether you have met your contract/agreed payments in a timely fashion]
What if we want to change our group members?
We can accommodate group member changes prior to offers being sent. If group member changes are requested after offers are sent out in mid-September, they will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis dependent on availability.
To add or remove a group member, the Group Leader must email the Accommodation Solutions Team with the name and student ID of the student in question. Contact the Team at
What if one of our group members doesn’t get an offer?
Choose your group members wisely. Each member will need to meet the criteria as listed above to receive an offer.
What if we want to change our chosen residence?
Your group can apply for either Carlaw Park Student Village or Stuart McCutcheon Houses, you all have to apply for the same residence to be considered as a group. If the whole group wants to change their residence option, the Group Leader will need to communicate with the Accommodation Solutions team, who will do their best to re-offer but may not be able to. See how many bedroom flats each property has on the Group Applications page.
When do we have to have our group application in by?
ALL members of the group will need to have completed their application by the 31 August to be considered for an Group Offer in mid-September.
Can we apply and be offered as a group after the advance offers have been made?
No group offers will be made after our group offer round in mid-September. We strongly advise that you get your group application in by the due date to make sure you do not miss on out on an offer.
When will we receive an offer?
Provided that your group has met the selection criteria, group members will receive an offer by mid-September.
What if we do not receive a group offer?
You are very likely to receive a group offer if all of your group members have a complete application that meet the criteria. If you do not receive a group offer, your application will automatically be considered for a single offer - in late September for current students, and mid October for new students.
How do I know if my offer is a group offer?
If you have received a group offer - your offer email will container the header that it is a group offer. If you have not been successful in receiving a group offer, your group will be notified.