Ture Wharenoho | Residential rules

These are the Ture Wharenoho | Residential rules for all University of Auckland Accommodation

These rules are based on many years of experience in managing student accommodation. They are designed to ensure that the community life in accommodation is maintained and that an environment exists that is conducive for everyone to study, to sleep and to have positive social experiences. The underlying principle is consideration for others, particularly with regard to noise levels.

If you have any feedback or clarifying questions about the Residential Rules please address these to the Head of Operations – Accommodation and email accom@auckland.ac.nz


Wharenoho horakai | Catered Halls of Residence

These rules apply to residents of Grafton Hall & Student Flats, O'Rorke Hall, University Hall - Towers and Waipārūrū Hall.

Wharenoho horakai kore | Self-Catered Residences

These rules apply to residents of 55 Symonds, Carlaw Park Student Village, Goldie Homestead, Te Tirohanga o te Tōangaroa, and Waikohanga House.

How do I make a complaint or appeal a decision?

If you wish to make a complaint or seek to appeal the decision relating to your University-owned and operated accommodation, refer to: Accommodation Feedback Process

Residential Agreement - Copy