National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards Winner 2017
Associate Professor Jay Marlowe from the Faculty of Arts and Education has received a national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in the 2017 round.

Jay joined the University in 2010 and has developed a track record in preparing students for sound professional social work practice in the Faculty of Arts and Education. Jay’s contribution is in scaffolding students’ understanding of important social issues (including migration, addiction, mental health, and poverty) which are often grounded in uncritical assumptions. By connecting students to people’s life stories, Jay is particularly effective in providing students with a gateway to social work education and the possibilities of anti-discriminatory and culturally responsive practice.
Jay is the designer and co-ordinator of courses on working with loss and grief, youth justice, addiction, and migration, which achieve consistently high student ratings. Jay is highly valued by students for his innovative teaching style, commitment to experiential learning, constructive feedback and supervisory support. Within the University Jay has assumed a leadership role in advocating for the recognition of students from refugee backgrounds as a University equity group. He has been a board member of the Auckland Refugee Community Coalition, advancing capacities and educational opportunities for numerous refugee-background communities.