Research, skills and career development
Key links for exploring development opportunities:
Doctoral workshops
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) offers a valuable schedule of workshops by University professionals and internationally-renowned speakers. Workshops under ‘Candidature essentials focus on elements of candidature such as your supervisor relationship, confirmation review or examination. Personal and professional skills include tools to help you plan your time, manage stress and work more effectively towards your doctorate.
Find out more: Doctoral workshops
Libraries and Learning Services
Libraries and Learning Services is so much more than just books. Research advisors offer professional research advice, and there are a range of workshops and resources to help you develop the academic skills you need to successfully complete your doctorate.
Find out more online: Libraries and Learning Services
Academic Career Advancement Programme (ACAP)
This competitive academic career preparedness programme runs once per year, and gives mid-phase doctoral candidates a head-start in their pursuit of an academic career.
Find out more online: Academic Career Advancement Programme
Unleash Space
Unleash Space is the University’s state-of-the-art innovation hub and maker space. Membership is free for all students and staff at the University. It offers workshops on-site and online, equipment and seminars to inspire and motivate and help you develop your entrepreneurial capability.
Create what you can imagine, design for today and prototype for tomorrow. The space houses 3D printers, laser cutters, routers, electronics, vacuum formers, sewing machines, craft and art supplies and other tools and machinery.
Find out more online: Unleash Space
UniServices (Commercialisation)
UniServices works with researchers and academic staff at the University of Auckland to transfer world-class knowledge and technology into existing companies and startups.
With expertise in commercialisation and intellectual property, UniServices actively identifies and protects ground-breaking discoveries with commercial potential. Doctoral candidates can benefit from professional advice, commercialisation workshops and more.
Find out more online: UniServices
Career Development and Employability Services (CDES)
It's never too early to start thinking about your career direction and preparing for the future. Get advice on professional and academic careers, CV-writing, job applications and interviews, skills portfolios and industry opportunities such as internships.
Find out more online: Careers Development and Employability Services
Centre for eResearch
The centre offers a range of services to help researchers - including doctoral candidates - address challenging computational problems. Find out how you can benefit by following the link below.
Find out more online: Centre for eResearch
Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment (DELNA)
DELNA is the University's free English language diagnosis tool and it is mandatory for all doctoral candidates. Watch the video for a quick overview or get the details via the link below.
Find out more online: Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment
English Language Enrichment (ELE)
You can explore a wealth of opportunities to develop your English language skills, from writing workshops to speaking and listening groups.
Find out more online: English Language Enrichment