Adding your personal pronouns to MS365

You now have the choice of adding personal pronouns to your Microsoft 365 personal profile.

Why using pronouns is beneficial

Pronouns are words used to refer to people (for example, she/her, he/him, or they/them). An easy way to normalise the use of pronouns is to include them in your email signature. There are a few reasons why this is beneficial:

  • When cisgender people include pronouns, it normalises it for everyone and protects trans and gender diverse people when they include their pronouns.
  • Having pronouns in an email signature or within your MS365 profile makes it clear to everybody what words to use to address you. It also signals you as an LGBTQIA+ ally.

Including pronouns in your email signature or adding them to MS365 is a quick and easy way for everyone to have a powerful and positive impact, supporting
a safe, inclusive and equitable place for our diverse communities at the

Before I start, what are good practices I should use?

How do I add a personal pronoun to MS365?

Follow these instructions from Microsoft on adding pronouns to your profile in Microsoft 365.

Frequently asked questions

Does making the changes above also add a pronoun to my email signature?

No - you will need to add a pronoun separately.

Can I add a personal pronoun to Google GSuite?

Unfortunately, Google does not currently support adding personal pronouns to any educational institute - this feature is only available to organisations using commercial licensing.

Microsoft FAQ's

Frequently asked questions about pronouns in Microsoft 365.