Addressing Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination training

The University of Auckland is seeking to eliminate unfair bullying, harassment, and discrimination, in line with its commitment to being a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment.

Bullying, harassment, and discrimination are prevalent issues in tertiary settings. The Thursdays in Black’s report “In Our Own Words” (2017) [i] found that 83% of respondents experienced sexual harassment during their time as a tertiary student. Additionally, in 2019 following the Christchurch mosque attacks, the University of Auckland was aware of an increase in the sharing of information related to external white supremacy groups.

[i] Thursdays In Black. (2017). In Our Own Words - student experiences of sexual violence prior to and during tertiary education. Wellington

Being an upstander

It takes guts to step in and help people out in situations where they might feel uncomfortable or out of control, but doing so helps to keep our University community safe and well.

Training programme for students

The newly developed two-part training programme seeks to address issues of Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination on campus. As of October 2020, it will be a requirement of all student group registration processes to have at least two executives per group complete both parts of the training.  

Part One: online training via CANVAS

The online course provides participants with an awareness of bullying, harassment and discrimination – what these concepts are, and examples of what they look and sound like. Participants will learn how to recognise, respond and refer to any of these behaviours as well as guidance on where they can get further support.

Please note:
- The content within some of the sections of this online training might cause feelings of distress, but there is a content alert button to find out what to do if these feelings arise.
- All student group executives, RA’s and other student leaders (as requested) will be directly enrolled in the online training and will receive an email informing them that they have been added to the CANVAS course. Students will then be able to complete the course within a timeframe that suits them.
- We strongly encourage all student leaders to complete the online training.

Sign up information
If you would like to complete the training and have not received an email already, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page.

Part Two: practical skills training, in person or Zoom

This part of the training further expands on the content of the online training. The training will focus on student leaders’ roles and responsibilities in creating safe, inclusive and equitable environments, as well as teach them the skills to respond to student disclosures of BHD, and will provide more in-depth information about support services and referral pathways.

Please note:
- These trainings can be face to face or via Zoom. The location of the training will be advertised on the individual bookings.
- Part One of the training is a prerequisite to Part Two.
- After completing Part One, the same two executives from each club can then self-select a Part Two training that best suits them.

Sign up information
Each training can take up to a maximum of 20 student participants per session. Students must register for a training via the Engage platform. Once logged into their account students can type ‘bullying’ into the search bar, and self-select the training date and time that best fits their schedule.

Contact us

Want to find out more? Email us