A safe, confidential and free service that supports the health, wellbeing and safety of everyone at University.
Homai he kōrero anō | Tell me more
AUSA Advocacy offers free support, advice and information to students. Their advocacy service is professional, confidential, and 100% independent.
Kia kitea ināianei | View now
We believe that every person in New Zealand is entitled to safe, competent, and respectful care. We offer health, medical and counselling services.
He whakamārama atu anō | Learn more
Creating a safe, inclusive and equitable educational environment for students with disabilities at the University of Auckland.
Homai he kōrero anō | Tell me more
Learn about the support services available and communities you can join as a Māori student at the University of Auckland.
Tūhuratia | Discover
We value all our Pacific students and your families, and we will do everything we can to help you succeed.
Kimihia | Find out
Find out how to get advice and support as an international student.
Pānui tonu | Read more
If you wish to make a formal complaint, or choose to disclose or report an incident to the University, there are a number of avenues to follow.
Kimihia | Find out
As part of its commitment to being safe, inclusive and equitable, the University has policies and processes for addressing bullying and harassment.
Pānui tonu | Keep reading