Limited full-time

You can request Limited full-time status from StudyLink for certain circumstances or when you are studying less than full time to complete your programme. These can include:

  • You have a serious medical condition
  • For a reason you cannot control
  • You would struggle with a full-time workload

Limified full-time forms must be reviewed and countersigned by Student Hubs.*

*Please note that you must meet the StudyLink definition for limited full-time study. For more information, please see StudyLink's Limited full-time page.

The final decision on your application remains with StudyLink, however you will need the support of the University.

For detailed information, please see StudyLink's Limited full-time page.


You can visit a Student Hub to ask for your application to be looked at and countersigned as appropriate. 

Student Hubs

Make sure to bring a valid ID during your visit.

If you have made an application and it has been declined, you will need to talk to StudyLink directly about this.