EDUC 105G Teaching: Tales and Traditions


Students will be introduced to key ideas about teaching and teachers, including historical and alternative perspectives on teaching, the origins of schooling in New Zealand, and Western traditions for teaching. Alternative perspectives to the Western model of education, including Ako-Māori principles of teaching. 

The course will explore the stories of significant teachers and consider the concepts of teaching for hope and teaching for change in crisis situations. 

Note: because you can not take a General Education course in a subject that appears elsewhere in your degree, students in programmes that require them to take EDUCATION courses e.g. BA in Education, BEdTchg, BEd(TESOL) and BSportHPE, can not meet their General Education requirements using EDUC 105G. 

Student Feedback

'The concepts were explained clearly and in a manner that was easy to understand. Having different lecturers each week which specialised in different aspects was extremely helpful.'

'The most helpful part of this course was applying my life experiences to the concepts, engaging within class and drawing on other people's ideas.'

'The best thing about this course was the PASSION of the teachers and the way that each task linked to the course content and final exam but was also genuinely engaging.'

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