Disability Action Plan Annual Report

Annual reports for the Disability Action Plan 2022-2025 will be prepared by the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity and will be published following approval by the University Equity Leadership Committee.

In July 2022, Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland published its first Disability Action Plan (DAP). The DAP forms part of the University’s response to the Tertiary Education Commission’s requirements for Learner Success Plans under the Learner Success Framework.

Waipapa Taumata Rau commits to reporting progress on the DAP. The Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity (OPVCE) communicates progress through dedicated DAP webpages. Documents such as the Disability Action Plan 2022-2025 and DAP Annual Report are available to download.

The DAP Annual Report Year 1 highlights outcomes from the first year of implementation. The Annual Report has a different layout to the Disability Action Plan tables, as it reports according to Learner Success Plan themes.