When you're expecting a baby

Congratulations on becoming a parent!

The University is committed to supporting all staff in maintaining and developing their careers while carrying out their roles as parents and carers. Whether you are pregnant, adopting or expecting an infant to come into your permanent care, a range of benefits and information to support staff and their partners is available.

Woman in wheelchair holding pregnancy test and male partner behind her smiling

We acknowledge families come in many forms, and our staff play different roles in creating a family. These include birthing and non-birthing parents, and adoptive, foster and kinship carers who take up permanent responsibility of raising a child.

Resources to assist you

A further range of policies, guidelines, services and resources to assist you can be found at Supporting staff with children

From mid-2023, work is underway for a review of parenting-related resources for staff at the University including the seminar programme and parental leave guidance to support all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, or relationship status.

When you know you are pregnant

Deciding when to tell your manager or academic head, that you are pregnant is a personal choice. However, in order to qualify for parental leave, you must inform your employer (through HR Services Consultant via the Staff Services Centre) at least three months’ before the expected date of delivery accompanied by a signed certificate by a medical practitioner or midwife certifying the expected date of delivery. 

Under the Human Rights Act, you are protected from unfair treatment connected with your pregnancy.

Pregnant woman holding stomach

Hazards during pregnancy

For pregnant women and birthing parents that work with hazardous substances or equipment, it is important to advise their manager and their health and safety representative immediately upon knowing they are pregnant so that a risk assessment can be carried out and appropriate safeguards can be put in place.

The University’s Health, Safety & Well-being team has specific detailed guidance information available for working in the laboratory while pregnant or breastfeeding.