A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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Access to facilities, car parking, towing and clamping, Tamaki buses, CCTV, work on buildings and a providing a smokefree and vapefree environment.
Smokefree and Vapefree Policy
To provide a smokefree and vapefree environment across all University campuses and facilities.
Access to University Facilities Policy
The policy ensuring that access to University facilities is available safely and at appropriate times.
Car Parking Policy
The University's policies on cars on campus, including parking permits.
Car Parking Terms and Conditions
Detailed terms and conditions for the users of University car parks.
Car Parking Guidelines
These guidelines accompany the Car Parking Policy.
Towing and Clamping Policy
Towing and clamping of vehicles within the University grounds.
Work on Buildings and Services Policy
The role of Property Services regarding the commission and oversight of building construction and services work on University owned and leased buildings.
Seismic Strengthening Policy
This policy applies to all existing and future buildings either owned or leased by the University.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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